Love and Diecast

0908 - Lamborghini Reventon copyWhen this Hot Wheels Lamborghini Reventón first came out as part of the 2009 New Models, I remember saying that I love it. While love is an arbitrary thing that many of us overuse when it comes to our diecast obsessions, we are sure to underutilized it at times as well when it comes to those who matter. So, in the next 5 or so minutes, the time it would normally take you to read an article of mine, tell someone you love, how much they mean to you–do it in person if you can! If you’re not able to, call or even text that 1 person (at least 1)…come on…and do it for real, don’t just say, yeah, yeah, yeah…enough of this hippie non-sense. If you are truly all alone, and do not care for anyone in your life, tell yourself, “I love you”. Say it out loud! That’s it, take my advice or leave it. Come back to collecting knowing you love the people in your life and they love you by honoring the commitment you have to this hobby/obsession….and that these toy cars are just that, TOY CARS.